Talk and Take Gregg Shorthand

by Minnie De Motte Frick and Edward Vietti.

This book was not put out by the Gregg Co.; it was self-published. As such, it has some of the issues with stenciled outlines versus plates which were discussed in the thread on the McCann Method.

Mrs. Frick of course is best known for her Analytical Method—which is very aptly named, being on the extreme opposite end of the spectrum from Mr. Leslie's Functional Method approach. Very intense, elaborate, I would even say eccentric, with a vocabulary all its own. (Anybody know what a radiant is?)  ;-)

The Analytical Method was expounded in two books by the Gregg Co: Analytical Lessons in Gregg Shorthand (1924), and Teaching Gregg Shorthand by the Analytical Method (1931).

This is the only other book I'm aware of that she was involved with. Like the McCann's book, it appears to have evolved from actual classroom instruction. I wouldn't recommend this to someone who's just starting out, but it may provide useful supplemental material when reviewing the Manual.
Attachment: Talk and Take Gregg Shorthand.pdf

(by Joel for group greggshorthand)

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