Words containing brief forms

Here's a question: when do you abbreviate brief forms within words?

For example, "all." All is O (fallen over...hehe...can't you just picture it screaming "OOOOOOO!!" as it falls? Sesamie Street anyone?) instead of AL. You see this in also (OSO), almost (OMO), and always (OLS). But you know it isn't used O the time (hehe...couldn't resist...I can never resist can I?) Like in allot (ALOT), allude (ALUD), almond (AMND??), alms (AMS??) (Where'd the L go, Rader? I guess a guy that wrote 30,000 words (in just that one dictionary) can be allowed a little leniancy, but he missed it often in the "al-" section...but it isn't a prefix!)
Anyways, what's the rule for things like this? Along is "ALNg" but that makes sense because the long, LNg, brief form takes precedence...and speaking of THAT! Is there any rule of precedence with brief forms when they share a phonetic sound like AL and LAwNg?

(by psetus for everyone)
