Online Shorthand Course

I just found out that has a course teaching Centennial.
The preamble is a little confusing, though:
Gregg Shorthand is the most widely used system of its kind in the world. It is used by millions of professionals from all walks of life in nearly every country worldwide. This system of shorthand is the most efficient of any other type created, it is considered the easiest to learn, use and read, it is simple, straightforward and elegant in design. As the Gregg system evolved, since its inception in 1888, it has become even easier to learn over the years.
This course addresses the newest version of Gregg Shorthand, which is the second edition “Simplified.” You will find that by learning this system of shorthand that your work will become much easier and the knowledge you have obtained will give you valuable access to numerous positions in the business world.
Is the instructor a member of this group?
My, admittedly superficial, knowledge of Centennial has led me to believe that Centennial is more-than-less a version of DJ, with minor changes in brief forms.
Or have I got that wrong? Could it be a reiteration of Simplified with minor changes?
All comments welcome.
PS A colleague wants to learn Gregg. I've just given her the gregg group url, but I don't think she's joined yet. Could this be a possibility for her, since she really wanted a more structured approach than self-study?

(by sidhetaba for everyone)
