Seeking help regarding development of new shorthand system

I am hoping that some of you out there may be able to help me regarding the development of a new shorthand system.  A group of Hong Kong business men have come up with the idea of trying to develop a new system of shorthand that can be done in Mandarin Chinese.
They are proposing to bring together a team of people with specialist knowledge in shorthand together with Mandarin language experts.
Before we embark on  this project, I have been tasked with trying to obtain feedback as to the feasibilty of this project and also to locate possible candidates who may have the skills required to assist in the development.
I would be very grateful to hear from anyone who has any ideas regarding this proposal, which you feel may be of use to me.   Alternatively if you know of anyone who may be able to help us please let me know.  My knowledge of shorthand is very limited, so please try not to be too technical.
Many thanks
Col Sim

(by col_hk for everyone)
