Variant form 'Homonyms' in Pre-Anni/Anni

A question for writers of Pre-Anni and Anni GS: the GS dictionary has many forms of the sort CS (cause/because~consider) and ACS (accept~accident), which represent lexical distinctions through the choice of alternative sign forms: in these cases, the choice of 'left' v. 'right' S.  I'm wondering whether this sort of practice was reconsidered in later versions of GS and if not, why not.  The reason I ask is because it seems entirely arbitrary that certain word abbreviations were assigned one particular sign form (e.g., 'left' S for cause/because; 'right' S for consider).  (Am I mistaken; is there a rationale behind these -- and similar -- form assignments?)  The fact that different 'homonymous' word abbreviations are (sometimes) distinguished, in Pre-Anni and Anni, by alternative sign forms significantly increases the memory load for these writing systems.  In the interests of following proper practice, I have of course been noting, memorizing, and incorporating all such cases in my writing.  I wonder, though, what special advantage they confer?  In practice, when a GS writer encounters the word abbreviation CS in his/her own writing or someone else's writing, the context will make it very clear whether what is being abbreviated is 'cause/because' or 'consider' regardless of which form of S is written.  Not that I plan on ignoring these sorts of distinctions, myself, but I wonder: is Pre-Anni/Anni GS more or less efficient a system for having them?

(by A for everyone)