Vocabulary Test

The following list of words and phrases from the April 1922 edition of the Gregg Writer involve every principle in the Manual. Although it was designed for Pre-Anniversary Gregg and some of the phrases are dated, the drill can be used for other series as well. How fast can you write them?

ache, intensive, emergency, consignment, Lehigh, payee, writ, careless, State of Louisiana, State of Memphis, State of Tennessee, Newport, Danville, Johnstown, Springfield, New Bedford, stockholder, Wabash Ave., please write us, railroad company, credit department, city of Boston, we have your order, I desire to thank you, on account of the fact, again and again, first-class manner, on the present occasion, we will be pleased, you may be sure, as a matter of course, by this mail, we beg to acknowledge receipt, esteemed letter, your esteemed letter, we are sorry to hear, at your earliest possible convenience, many years ago, for a few weeks, doing this, order blank, entomologist, mimeograph, calligraphy, romantic, pneumatic, statistics, extremity, nativity, complicity, punctuality, priority, speculate, gastritis, periodical, westward, township, ornamental, cablegram, certification, advisability, Cunningham, Farmington, grudgingly, heedlessness, playfully, noteworthy, Ellsworth, proficiency, deficient, conjure, resume, assumption, pressure, consult, yourselves, myself, transpire, require, dispute, depose, exposition, deflection, inscribe, prescription, formidable, example, requisite, request, suspend, shipshape, superfine, self-improvement, postage, paraphrase, undercurrent, overtake, multiform, McKenzie, hydrocarbon, inclination, reclined, declaration, antithesis, aggression, detracted, ostrich, pattern, petroleum, nutrition, nitrogen, metropolis, maternal, literature, lateral, centrifugal, ultramarine, alteration, electric light, distress, restriction, retribution, introduce, countermand, obstruct, abstruse, constraint, subject, forehead, uneasy, ultimatum, subequal, candidate, Arnold, bad, drop, attract, distance, begun, depend, radius, favored, benefit, I don't think, glad to see, day by day, year after year, from time to time, credit of the firm, it was not, it wasn't, I do not, I had been, will not be able, to receive, as many as, a million, a hundred, a thousand, a pound, claim, client, policy, ridiculous, cancel, recorder, speaker, outside, aftertimes, whereas, causes, families, mails, warn, worse, thermos, Charles, maintain, phantom, printed, defeat, Leo, Noah, Owen, creator, Arabia, science, entry, alloy, yellow, yawl, ahead, owe, siege, serge, slay, sublease, chill, beam, saucy, breathe

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