Dictation Files, Simplified Functional, Chapter 17, 40-90 wpm

Each zip file contains several mp3's of the same passage at different speeds.

Passage  Topic

144 Mailing list
145 under strain
146 patron, fur coat
147 neighbour, May 10
148 Neighbour, pardon


File names are in the format: gsf2-13-110-40-90.zip

gsf2 = Gregg Simplified Functional 2nd Edition
-13 = Lesson 13
-110 = passage 110
-40-90 = speeds from 40-90 wpm in 10wpm increments.

See this post for more info:

Attachment: gsf2 17-144.zip
Attachment: gsf2 17-145.zip
Attachment: gsf2 17-146.zip
Attachment: gsf2 17-147.zip
Attachment: gsf2 17-148.zip

(by Cricket for group greggshorthand)

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