My Thoughts After Thirteen Months

To My Shorthand Friends:

It's hard to believe it's been 13 months now that I began my journey in the study of Gregg shorthand. After all of these months I have made my way to Assignment 33 in the Simplified system. I do feel a small sense of accomplishment in making it to this point. I've learned a lot in the process but I know I've just barely scratched the surface of shorthand. Only 37 assignments left to go.

Though I have gotten quite fluent in reading shorthand there are a couple of principles that stump me when it comes to forming outlines in my mind even though the manual says I have enough knowledge of the system to be able to form an outline for any word in the English language.

I'm still enjoying learning shorthand and I'm definitely bound and determined to finish it and learn the entire system. I have many thanks to all of you here in this wonderful group for all the knowledge you have passed down to me.

Happy 13th Month Anniversary!  8-)

