Abbreviating Principle - Simplified

I have a few questions about the Abbreviating Principle in Simplified.

Regarding the groups of words in families, from what I have read on the blog and in the books, I think there are 15 family groups, but I am not sure if I’ve missed any:

  1. -cate/-quate: indic(ate), loc(ate), duplic(ate), educ(ate), adeq(uate).
  2. -cide/-side: deci(de), besi(de), outsi(de),.
  3. -gate: deleg(ate), navig(ate).
  4. -iety: vari(ety), soci(ety).
  5. -iferous: vocif(erous), conif(erous).
  6. -itis: tonsili(tis), arthri(tis).
  7. -iverous: carniv(erous).
  8. -ntic: frant(ic), romant(ic).
  9. -ology: apol(ogy), geol(ogy).
  10. -quent: eloq(uent), freq(uent).
  11. -quire: acqui(re), requi(re).
  12. -titude: attit(ude), gratit(ude), aptit(ude).
  13. -titute: constit(ute), substit(ute).
  14. -tribute: trib(ute), distrib(ute).
  15. -use: excu(se), refu(se), accu(se), abu(se), confu(se).

Is this right?

Also, the dictionary shows the same form for “eloquence” as it does for “eloquent”
(e l o k), and for “consequence” and ”consequent” (k s e k); would these be listed together with -quent like this: -quent/-quence, or are these just derivatives?

Next question: I have been trying to find words not in families in the dictionary, other than those listed in the books. So far I have only found “melancholy” (m e l a n) and its derivatives; are there any more?

Many thanks.
