If at first you don't succeed.........

I joined this site in mid-2013 and was amazed at the incredible amount of information about Gregg Shorthand that Carlos and others have provided here.   After reading all of the archived posts and learning about the different versions of Gregg Shorthand... and... learning about all of the available books and everyone's recommendations about what version to learn and what order to tackle the books.... my head was spinning (in a good way) and I was ready to get started.

The first decision was what version of GS to study... and the debate boiled down to Anni vs Simplified.   I haunted ebay and Abebooks and Amazon and accumulated a nice library of books for both.   Carlos' advice convinced me that the Functional Method was the way to go....

Then life intervened and for the past 18 months, I have been the primary caretaker for a dear friend with Alzheimer's disease and liver cancer.   My GS studies stopped almost as soon as they had begun.

Now I'm back and eager to start again.

I am leaning towards Anniversary, but a little voice in the back of my head is still taunting me with the Simplified call.   I need to make a decision and dive in...

Anyway.... I just wanted to re-introduce myself on this terrific site.

I am about to turn 70 years young (next week) and I never studied GS in school.   I graduated from high school in 1963 so they would have been teaching Simplified for most of my high school years.

I have always wanted to learn GS, so now is as good a time as any !!!

I shall spend the weekend deciding on which version to study, then dive in on Monday.   I want to pick a version and stick with it, so it is an important decision......

